Thursday, October 17, 2019

Concept Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Concept Analysis - Essay Example This paper will analyze a chosen concept using the Wilson Method of Concept Analysis. 2. Concept Analysis. The procedure of concept analysis by Wilson begins with isolating value and facts of the concept. This is achieved by answering the fact with knowledge and giving moral standards of the concept. The concept is also given a meaning. The second part is obtaining the right answers since a concept could be having more than one correct reply. Elements that are core to necessities of the concepts are given priority. The third part entails incorporating a model case. The case must be the actual example of the concept. Using several model cases helps clarify the meaning of the concept. The next part of the concept analysis procedure will entail a different case that contrasts the actual example of the pain or any case that is not the true example of the concept. Then related cases that are similar to the concept are given. There are situations where a case is debatable if it belongs to the category of the concept. This is used as a border case. Imaginations can be used to find meaning of a concept where an example is rare to find. The meaning of a concept can be placed in a social context. ... Walker and Avant adapted Wilson Method of Concept Analysis to identify the most significant approaches to study concepts in nursing. Walker and Avant (2005, p. 65) suggest the following steps in a concept analysis. The first step is concept selection. The selected concept reveals the area of concentration and the main topic. The second step is identifying the aims together with the objectives of conducting the analysis. Determining objectives clarifies the meaning of the concept. Moreover, clarity contributes to the creation of the operational meaning of the concept. Consequently, the scientific, normal or even the ordinary application of the concept is clarified. In some cases, the researcher may have individual interest and conduct a concept analysis (Morse, 1995, p. 31). The third step is the recognition of all uses of the concept. This entails finding out the meaning of a concept in the dictionary, available literature and from peers. The search for the uses is extended to all fi elds beyond nursing. The fourth step in concept analysis is concerned with characterizing the concept. After a critical examination of concept, attributes that appear repeatedly are noted. The attributes that form a cluster are linked to the concept. The fifth step is the creation of a model case. A model case will entail an illustration in real life that reveals all the attributes of the concept. Baldwin (2008, p. 53) adds that, the model can be presented as a case to generate the characteristics simultaneously or be discovered after the characteristics are determined. Construction of other cases is the sixth step. Other cases will include borderline case, related case, contrary case,

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